The pregnancy has been uneventful for the most part. I only felt nauseous in the evenings, but sometimes it got pretty bad. I knew if I just went to bed, by the morning it would be over. The sick feeling went away around 16 weeks. At 16 weeks 4 days I felt a flutter, but definitely second guessed it. I continued to feel little movements the days following and around 18 weeks I was for sure feeling the baby. At 19 weeks I was getting some pretty good thumps and could feel them on the outside too. James even got to feel a good strong one and that was exciting for him. I feel like I have to pee all the time and I drink water constantly. I think the food I have been eating most is cereal with almond milk which I never really enjoyed before.
We had an ultrasound today (the anatomy scan) and we got to see the baby a movin' and a groovin'. The picture below shows the leg stretching all the way to the head.