When I was pregnant I felt like one of the harder things to prepare for was diapers. How many of each size? What's the best kind? What's the stock up price? Etc.
I wanted to do a post on diapers/wipes in case the information is helpful to you and so I can reference it for my next baby.
When I looked things up online people had their preferences on diapers whether they had a boy or girl. Obviously, I have a girl, so keep that in mind.
Ellie was born at 6lbs 14oz and a month later (about 8 pounds) she is still in newborn diapers. We went through 2 hospital packs of Pampers Swaddlers, another 2 packs of Pampers Swaddlers, 1 pack of Luvs, 2 packs of Huggies Snugglers, and 2 packs of Pampers Swaddlers. (in that order). Total=8 packages of diapers. Update: I used 10 packages of newborns. I could probably do one more, but I'm going to try 1's.
A few diapers were wasted if she pooped as soon as I laid it under her or if poop got on the outside of the diaper. I just threw it away.
I definitely would say that Pampers Swaddlers were my favorite. They fit well and held everything in. My second favorite was Luvs. When I opened the package I was a little disappointed with the feel of the outside, but they too held everything in and fit well. However, with Luvs, I think they feel really full even when they aren't because of the material they use to soak up the pee. Not too sure on that. The Huggies newborn were cut low in the front for the umbilical cord which she didn't have anymore so that was kind of annoying and I can see that being a problem for boys. They also didn't fully hug her bottom. She never blew out of them, but it definitely could have if I didn't change them when I did. I suppose a chunkier baby might fit these better.
The wetness indicator on the Pampers and Huggies are nice, but not necessary, because you can feel when it's a wet diaper. Some of the diapers were gifts and others I bought when I was pregnant so I know I didn't pay more than $5 a package. I did exchange some other sizes to get a few more newborn Pampers and they were nearly $10 a package! But I was just exchanging so I didn't have to pay for them. I think stocking up when they are on sale is the best way to go. But this can be stressful too not knowing how long your baby will be in each size. But I have heard and experienced that Walmart will take any diapers back as long as they sell them. So if you are just exchanging size then that would be the way to go if you find you have more than you need.
There are so many types of wipes within each main brand, like diapers, and I haven't been keeping track of the specific types but I prefer the Pampers over the Huggies so far. The Pampers are wetter and thinner and don't rip when you take them out. The Huggies are thicker, less moist and rip when you are pulling them out of the package/box to use, which gets annoying. However, I'll use both if I get them on sale or free with coupons. The Pampers type that I like the most and do know the name of are called Natural Clean. I think I have used 4 or 5 packages of 64-72 count wipes. James admitted he used more wipes per changing in the beginning, but now we use approx. 1-2 wipes per change.
I guess I should also mention clothes. When I first started buying clothes I was stressed about how many I needed to make sure I had enough. But honestly, doing laundry hasn't been that big of a deal and since I didn't think I would have a small baby I didn't have many newborn outfits, mostly 0-3 month size. But I have about 6 newborn sleeper outfits that I rotate through and I have 3 pairs of pants and a lot of onesies (but I only use a few) that I pair together. That has been plenty. She usually goes all day in one outfit then I change her outfit for bedtime. She'll be in 0-3 month size soon.