Sunday, February 15, 2015

Miscellaneous and Valentine's Day

As mentioned in the previous post, Ellie LOVES getting up on the chair and watching and/or helping me cook or bake. She is very careful and doesn't touch stuff when I ask her too but she also loves to "try it." I asked James to take these pictures so I could remember this cute little time.

And that outfit! Seriously kills me. She is just barely starting to ask for certain clothes and she saw this skirt hanging in the closet and wanted to wear it. I don't mind if it's around the house but in public...she wears what I say, while I have a say that is.
She enjoys helping me with the dryer whether that's putting the clothes in or taking them out.

The day before Valentine's Day I decided I should try and be a fun mom and make some sugar cookies. I've never made them before and looked at tons of different recipes and made sure we had the ingredients on hand. The recipe I used the dough was super dry to work with, I could hardly roll it but then they turned out great so that was good.
When I set the dough on the table to roll out Ellie said, "Play-doh?" Yes but no. Haha once she realized they were cookies and she could eat this dough, she couldn't stop! We use cookie cutters with her play-doh a lot but since this dough was dry it was kind of frustrating letting her help too much because the cut out would break easily if she tried to lift it on the plan. In the end it all worked out. She got to frost, decorate and eat them!

On Valentine's morning James made breakfast with Ellie and when I came out there were some goodies on the table already so I added the ones I got to it.
I got this Frozen story set for Ellie a long time ago but never gave it to her so Valentine's Day seemed like a perfect day for it. She literally played with it all day and that's not an exaggeration! She still loves it and plays with it at least once a day, at least!
I got a lotion I asked for and James got the same chocolates I get every year, it's tradition.

I wanted to get a family picture so I set up the tripod out back and ran back and for a few times...
 ...Ellie clearly liked the idea because James caught her doing this.
Super cute!!!!!!

Again with that skirt. And notice the gloves. Those are Elsa gloves. And the shoes. It's not cold she just loves them and they're easy for her to put on. She carries them over the wall or door and braces herself against the wall or door and sticks her foot in them and pushes down. I have since had to put the boots up so she stops choosing those ones. The outfit of choice was picture worthy!

Ellie loves to play outside. She always wants to go outside and wants me to play with her. She also loves to swing aka "spin." Something I wanted to remember so I also took some pictures. After I wind the swing up I say, "Ready, set..." she used to say "go" but I was joking around once and said "Baby GoGo" which is a character from Yo Gabba Gabba so now she says Baby GoGo or some other random goofy thing before I let the spinning unwind. She thinks she's hysterical. 

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